Getting silent calls in the UK from the number 01772643207 or 01512 553580?
Wondering who it is? What they want? How they got your ex-directory number? Why they keep calling you? You can find out right here!
One of the numbers used to belong to a company called “R.S.R. FREIGHT SERVICES” if you check Google and However, they don’t own that number any more.
This company uses Power or Predictive Dialling equipment. A Power Dialler is an automated dialler which can store, access and automatically dial telephone numbers and a Predictive Dialler is an automated dialler which will adjust the rate at which it dials, and delivers answered calls automatically to match operator availability.
Some companies have not set their dialling rate correctly and this means that individuals are therefore receiving calls, which, on answering, “click” after a second, and then the line goes dead.
In short, its most likely a bullshit sales call you do not want from a loan or insurance company. This number seems to be used by several companies for data mining and verification purposes.
However, you want the cretin behind the company that is calling you don’t you? Look no further!
Data Captain (3D Marketing Group)
2 – 6 Sandy Lane
PR25 2EB
The number 01772643207 is usually engaged, but you can also reach them on 01772 643200. Just ring them and ask them to take your details off their database teling them that you are TPS (Telephone Preference Service) registered. They have to remove you and can be fined up to £5000 if they fail to do so. If they continue to cold call you, contact the TPS and tell them – that’s what they are there for.