Category Archives: Books

Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, Donald Trump and Meghan Markle.

Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, Donald Trump and Meghan Markle and not three obvious names you might think are likely to come together in one article.

What about I throw some Brexit in?

In an internet forum discussion (ostensibly on Donald Trump but frequently on other things) recently, a bloke said this to me:

Read up on Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi and his views:

Well, I’d never heard of Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi. But from the link I found an interesting quote:

“The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice.

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Book Review: Exceptional – Why the World Needs a Powerful America by Dick Cheney

For fair disclosure, before you read this review, I will say that while I enjoy visiting America from time to time, I am disdainful of American foreign policy and its continual aggression, state-sponsored terrorism, wars and regime changes around the world.

I am a Russophile. I think Vladimir Putin is one of the worlds great leaders.

An American pal of mine gifted me this book recently. I promised him I would read it with an open mind. I think I have, but it hasn’t changed my opinion.

Here is some of the book blurb:

Exceptional – Why the World Needs a Powerful America by Dick Cheney

Former vice president Dick Cheney, a #1 New York Times bestselling author, and his daughter Liz Cheney, former deputy assistant secretary of state, explain the unique and indispensable nature of American power, reveal the damage done by President Obama’s abandonment of this principle, and show how America can and must lead again.

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Book Review: James Whale. Almost a Celebrity. A Lifetime of Night-Time.

Anyone interested enough to consider buying James Whale’s book will often also have their own story about him to tell.

Anyone who doesn’t have a personal story, will remember his radio and TV shows up and down the country over many years, and will be a fan of the talk radio format.

Back in the late 80’s, when I was a spotty teenager, James was doing the night-time talk show at Radio Aire in Leeds. Over here in Manchester, we could just about get it.

I was an avid listener. So much so, I wrote a letter to the show (because that is what you did in those pre email days) asking if I could sit in on one to see how it all worked and meet the chap.… Click here to continue reading this article

Indian: 100 Everyday Recipes (Love Food) 9781445430423 – Book review

So you want to learn to cook Indian food?

There is a little hardback book called ‘Indian: 100 Everyday Recipes’. It has no apparent author other than ‘Love Food’ (which on the inside cover is claimed to be an ‘imprint’ of the publisher) and is published by Parragon Books. Its ISBN number is 9781445430423.

Its a small book, a mere 15cm x 12cm and 208 pages of Chinese printed garbage enclosed in a hardback with a dust jacket for some reason.

It looks like this:

Indian - 100 everyday recipes. Love Food. Book.

My wife picked this book up for me recently.… Click here to continue reading this article

Just Released Dyson DC07 Workshop Manual Shows DIY Enthusiasts How To Fix Their Dyson Vacuum Cleaner at Home

Aberdeen, Scotland December 06, 2011

The specialist Dyson vacuum cleaner engineer Angus Black has used his own experience – spanning almost thirty years – to create a fully illustrated workshop and service manual for the Dyson DC07 available to all DIY Dyson enthusiasts, while shattering the myths that suggested Dysons were too complicated for the practically-inclined layman to work on.

The tongue-in-cheek cover, which features a sexy blonde in a tight white t-shirt, hard hat and torn jeans, standing amongst several Dyson DC07’s, has already caused some controversy among feminist groups and made the book’s sales jump, thanks to the unsought publicity.… Click here to continue reading this article

Dyson DC07 Maintenance Guide – Service Book – Workshop Manual

Are you looking for a Dyson DC07 workshop manual? Until recently, nobody had published a DC07 service book – now they have. The Unofficial Dyson DC07 Workshop Manual is available only in paperback – there is no “e-book”.

The author, Angus Black, shares his own thirty years of experience repairing vacuum cleaners. He shares little-known trade secrets about the Dyson DC07, together with where to source trade-only tools.

“The author has created something which genuinely offers the ‘inside scoop.’ It is an absolute must-read for anyone seeking a DC07 maintenance guide,” wrote David Myers, a technician at Manchester Vacs, an independent Dyson specialist.… Click here to continue reading this article

Privacy Wisdom by Info-Assist Ltd Wanted.

Do you have a copy of “Privacy Wisdom” published by “Info-Assist Ltd” lying around?

In some places it is listed as being authored by “Chris Callow” and it is now out of print.

It was part of a series of books entitled “Up the System!” published in the mid 1990’s.

It will be A4 in size with a yellow cover.

Other associated names that might be useful to Googlers landing here would be “Lee Morris” and “Goldstone Books”.

If you have a copy of this book, reply to this topic using the comments box below (it will go to “moderation” and will not appear) and the chap who wants it will then send you an e-mail.… Click here to continue reading this article

femme de l’ancienne Union soviétique

Ce poste est d’introduire un nouveau livre: The Russian Bride Guide.Comment répondre, à la Cour et épouser une femme de l’ancienne Union soviétique.

Tous les hommes ont besoin de savoir sur les femmes russes. 

New York, 4 Septembre 2008: Just-libéré   “Russian Bride Guide» est un cours complet pour tout mariage, l’homme d’esprit, qui veut trouver, rencontrer, se marier et de la cour de Russie parfaite épouse. Le mari et la femme de l’équipe d’Olga Maslova, un psychologue russe, l’auteur et de l’anglais Stuart J. Smith ont utilisé leur propre expérience de la réussite de cross-cultural romance à la vérité sur les femmes russes à la disposition de tous ceux qui cherchent de Russie copains, tout en brisant les mythes sur les “fiancées”.Click here to continue reading this article

Die russische Braut Guide.Wie sich zu treffen, Hof und Marry a Woman aus der ehemaligen Sowjetunion

Dieser Post ist es, ein neues Buch: Die russische Braut Guide.Wie sich zu treffen, Hof und Marry a Woman aus der ehemaligen Sowjetunion.

Alle Männer müssen wissen über die russischen Frauen. 

New York, 4.September 2008: Just-Freigabe   “Russische Braut Guide” ist ein kompletter Kurs für die Ehe-gesinnten Mann, der will, zu finden, treffen, Gerichts-und heiraten die perfekte russische Braut. Der Mann und Frau Team von Olga Maslova, ein russischer Psychologe und Englisch Autor Stuart J. Smith ihre eigenen Erfahrungen für eine erfolgreiche interkulturelle Romantik, um die Wahrheit über die russischen Frauen für alle, die sich russischen Kollegen, während der Bruch der Mythen zum Thema “E-Mail-Bestellung Bräute”.Click here to continue reading this article

Venäjän Bride opas

Tämä viesti on ottaa käyttöön uusi kirja: Venäjän Bride opas.Miten Meet, tuomioistuimen ja Marry naista entisessä Neuvostoliitossa.

Kaikki Miehet tarvitsee tietää venäläisiä naisia. 

New York, 4.syyskuuta 2008: Just-vapautetaan  “Venäjän Bride opas on täydellinen tietysti kaikki avioliiton ennakkoluuloton mies, joka haluaa löytää, tavata, tuomioistuinten ja naimisiin täydellinen Venäjä morsiamen. Aviomies ja vaimo tiimi Olga Maslova, venäläinen psykologi, ja Englanti tekijä Stuart J. Smith käyttää omaa kokemusta onnistuneen kulttuurien romanssi tehdä totuuden Venäjän naiset voivat käyttää kaikki, jotka pyrkivät Venäjän kaverit, kun taas raskas myytit noin “postimyyntiyritysten BRIDES”. 

Venäjä Naiset opas

The ironinen kansi, joka sisältää niukasti peitteinen Venäjä nainen (todellisuudessa yhteistyössä kirjailija Olga Maslova) kiivetä ulos pakkaamoon laatikko Clutching hänen passinsa, on jo aiheuttanut joitakin kiistoja kesken feminististen ryhmien ja kirjan myynti hypätä, kiitos, että unsought julkisuutta.Click here to continue reading this article

The Russian Bride Guide. Hvordan Meet, Court og gifter seg med en kvinne fra det tidligere Sovjetunionen

Dette innlegget er å innføre en ny bok: The Russian Bride Guide.Hvordan Meet, Court og gifter seg med en kvinne fra det tidligere Sovjetunionen.

Alle Menn trenger å vite om russiske kvinner. 

New York, 4 september 2008: Just utgitt   “Russisk Bride Guide” er et komplett kurs for alle ekteskap-tenkende menneske som ønsker å finne, møtes, domstol og gifte seg med den perfekte russisk brud. De mann og kone team av Olga Maslova, en russisk psykolog, og engelske forfatteren Stuart J. Smith brukte sine egne erfaringer for en vellykket tverrkulturell romantikk å få sannheten om russiske kvinner tilgjengelig for alle som søker Russisk mates, mens knuste myter om “post-order BRIDES”.Click here to continue reading this article

Den ryska Bride Guide

Det här inlägget är att införa en ny bok: Den ryska Bride Guide. Hur Meet, domstolen och gifta sig med en kvinna från det forna Sovjetunionen.

Alla män behöver veta om ryska kvinnor. 

New York, den 4 september 2008: Just-släppts   “Ryska Bride Guide” är en fullständig kurs för alla äktenskap sinnade människor som vill hitta, möta, domstol och gifta sig med en perfekt ryska brud. Den man och hustru team av Olga Maslova, en ryska psykolog och engelska författaren Stuart J. Smith använt sina egna erfarenheter av en lyckad tvärkulturell romantik att göra sanningen om ryska kvinnor till alla som söker ryska kompisar, medan splittring myterna om “postorder-brudar”.Click here to continue reading this article

Russiske Kvinder Guide

Denne post er at indføre en ny bog: Den russiske brud Guide.Hvordan de kan mødes, Domstolen og gifte sig med en kvinde fra det tidligere Sovjetunionen.

Alle Mænd behøver at vide om russiske kvinder. 

New York, den 4 september 2008: Just-frigivet   “Russisk brud Guide” er en komplet kursus for eventuelle ægteskab fordomsfri mand, der ønsker at finde, mødes, domstol, og gifte sig det perfekte russiske brud. Mand og kone team af Olga Maslova, en russisk psykolog, og den engelske forfatter Stuart J. Smith brugt deres egne erfaringer i en vellykket tværkulturelle romantik at gøre sandheden om russiske kvinder til rådighed for alle, der søger Russiske skøn, mens brud de myter om “postordresektoren BRIDES”.

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