Why do we say to you that cold-calling telephone sales people who want to service your Dyson are a scam?
Well, first of all – they are NOT from Dyson!
When you have the “fly-by-night” cowboys in your home to do a twenty minute Dyson DC07 service, they will not do a proper job.
“Why not?” you may ask. Well, the reason is, that with a Dyson DC07, a professional service involves stripping the cyclone down and cleaning it – preferably with a power washer or a steam cleaner – to restore optimal performance.
You may not know this, because if you have read your Dyson instruction manual you won’t know what needs to be done. If you have read your Dyson DC07 Workshop Manual you will know what needs to be done.
I stripped a Dyson DC07 down a few days ago and it was blocked up in such a way that no “at home” service would be able to fix it. Look at this photo when I took off the cyclone top:
I spent thirty minutes cleaning and power-washing it so it looked like this:
Which is what it is supposed to look like if you expect it to work.
Today, I was reading over the old Dyson Medic site that was written a few years ago, and I was surprised that amongst the motor swap, belt change and filter service guides we wrote back then, that we didn’t discuss cyclone cleaning more.
It was covered very comprehensively in the Dyson DC07 Repair Manual, but not everyone has one of those. Some guys only like “free” download stuff and don’t want to pay for anything. Similarly, we at Dyson Medic sometimes hold a little something back that we will give you in one of our written books.
As the Dyson Medic sites are one of the biggest and most-trusted after-market Dyson information sources in the world, we hope you’ll buy something off us one day. If only to learn a few ‘trade secrets’ that we wont publish on our websites. 🙂
Anyway, the point of this short article was to implore you not to skimp on a Dyson DC07 service. Do NOT employ people who ‘do it in your home’ as they won’t have the facilities to clean your cyclone properly. Look at the photographs again – those cyclones block up and need cleaning properly!
A warning: Never accept anyone coming to your home to service or repair your Dyson who cold calls you. That is always a scam company who will rip you off!
Read about the Dyson scammers who ‘service in your home’ on the Dyson forums here: Dyson ‘special offer’ telephone calls are a scam.
Submitted by Angus Black. Author of the Unofficial Dyson DC07 Workshop manual.