Reviewing Anastasia Date

By | March 31, 2013

Reviewing Anastasia Date -Two models for agency financial success:

Various different forum threads have reported the recruitment of ‘Translators’ and ‘Interpreters’ into the agencies that feed Anastasia Date.

There are both agency descriptions (of how to recruit TERPS) in the home site and there are advertisements that were previously reported here and on various online forums.

This recruitment for paid ‘translators’ is indicative of a model for having women appear on camera or on chat to deceive the men users into thinking that they are chatting with someone who wants to find a husband. In a recent post, we see that many of the men that utilize Anastasia Date are not looking for women, but simply bored men who want to talk sex.

Such women are initially hired as both interpreters – to go out on dates with women who are meeting men – and as translators – to translate and assist in responding to letters. Once engaged in the agency, the woman also will be recruited to go on camera and perform chat with many different men – often simultaneously.

But there is a different approach that I have observed. It works with no less efficiency in bringing money into the company, although it does not quite offer the same direct compensation as described above where a woman is hired directly by the agency in the ‘translator’ role.

The Other Model:

In major Ukraine cities there are billboards and advertisements that encourage women to sign up with agencies. One woman reported that she was requested by a friend who had recently become one of the above TERP employees.

She was asked to put her profile up. She had no intention of dating anyone, but was simply trying to help out a friend. Other women I have talked to were intrigued by the idea of a ‘Free’ photo shoot.

A woman is attracted to the glossy pictures and ability to talk to men online. They sign up. They sign an agreement and provide their passport. A photo shoot is scheduled. During the photo shoot, if the woman is attractive, they will also ‘entice’ the woman to put up videos to additionally encourage men to communicate with them. All of these freebies have a cost. I have talked to women from three different agencies.

The first, in Kyiv, said that as soon as it became apparent that she would be a money maker for the company, the owner of the agency began a full-court press on her both to use her pictures at his discretion, and also to shoot additional videos to entice men to pay additional money.

Immediately she was offered a contract to produce a certain amount of income for the company and advised that she would have top billing as a head-liner on the website masthead. In her words – she refused. Within two weeks she was contacted and told that she had violated the terms of her agreement and that she would be forced to pay for the pictures and that her web presence was to be deleted. The alternative was that she could conform to company policy and get a stipend for the money that company made from her.

When I found her last summer and she shared that she had just had her profile reinstated and that she was now following the agency rules. As an aside, she is no longer with Anastasia Date, has migrated to UkraineDate, but Anastasia Date still maintains her profile. I asked her to come online here to share her story, but she is reluctant to do so even though she no longer lives in Kyiv.

Last summer, I met a woman in Kharkiv. She had been online for over a year and a half. Her profile was one of the most recognizable profiles on the network. She was a very pretty woman and was listed as a school teacher.

I could never understand how she was available to talk to me at 8:00 AM her time if she was teaching school. We met in Kharkiv, but by then I had already met the woman who eventually became my committed girlfriend.

This woman and I became close friends. We communicate to this day and I found her to be a valuable ally in knowing which side is up. Her story was a little different than the lady from Kyiv.

She, was, first of all, very young. She was attracted to the mystique of talking to men across the sea. After she had been online less than a month, the agency owner came to her with 500 Grivna and gave it to her as a ‘thank you’ for all the money he was making off of her.

She was told that if they (the agency) could operate her profile, without discretion, and that if she would show up to meet men that came into town, that she would continue to get money like this.

Because she was not participating – and getting paid anyway – she went along with it. In October she met a man. She had a summary page that was created by the agency that told of her ‘conversations’ with him.

After she met him, she began to receive threats from him because he was able to ascertain that it had never been her communicating with him. To protect herself she removed the profile from the system. And she is now in a relationship with a local man and they are getting married.

The third and most recent variation on this theme is quite simple. I was advised of it by my former girlfriend. It was one of her friends that went online and was quickly dismayed with the type of man she was experiencing. She asked to have her profile removed. It was taken down and she was satisfied.

Two weeks after having been removed, the profile was once again displayed and became one of the masthead profiles, displayed again and again. Obviously, the person operating this profile was counting on the fact that the woman would not, herself, be looking to see if the profile resurfaced. Her friends notified her.

She has had trouble getting it removed and had to report the agency to Anastasia Date to finally have it no longer online.

The simple truth is this: Either a woman is a willing participant and compensated for her services or, if her profile produces funds for the agency, she is either cheated or coerced into participation. Those profiles that do not produce much income are left alone.

I could go on and on and on. But the reality is that there are so many variations on the theme of how to get money from a profile which sometimes, maybe the women don’t know – and aren’t making money directly. But indirectly, the agency is supporting them and if necessary manipulating them to insure that the money still rolls in.

The people who run the agencies that I have rubbed elbows with are no more than thugs. The likelihood of an honest pay-per-letter exchange via Anastasia Date is remote. If the lady is not being paid, herself, chances are she is no longer controlling her own profile and that it is being operated by an agency employee.

One really has to consider how much time an unpaid woman would dedicate to finding a spouse, online. I can only estimate, but my guess would be three to five months, and maybe an hour a day.

Every profile that is older than this time frame is suspect. And every woman, online more than an hour a day (which is the overwhelming majority of them) is also suspect.

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