Skye Bank PLC email scam

By | September 4, 2011

If you are Googling for information on Skye Bank PLC email scam, here it is. This is the scam email being sent out:

An advance-fee fraud is a confidence trick in which the target is persuaded to advance sums of money in the hope of realizing a significantly larger gain. Among the variations on this type of scam are the Nigerian Letter (also called the 419 fraud, Nigerian scam, Nigerian bank scam, or Nigerian money offer), the Spanish Prisoner and the the black money scam.


Dear Valued Customer,

The Skye Bank Plc: is a finance company based here in Nigeria; we represent some African governments to offset their debts that have arrived from contract jobs, inheritance, and major trade funds. These countries include Ghana, Togo, Benin, Cameroun, and South Africa etc.

I would want you to know and understand that I do not know you in person neither have I in anyway transacted with you before but I am contacting you on the information given to me by the governing body of this bank and in reference to the enabling act of the World Bank/ IMF payment prerequisites.

Presently, I have your email address on my file for immediate PAYMENT CONTACT, which was approved by the accountant general, as all claims for this quarter of the fiscal year approved are paid out through our bank.

You are required to contact, Senior Manager, Currency Control Unit/Remittance for your claims. You are advised to attach to your email with the below information to enable the completion of your fund wire transfer:

Beneficiary’s Full name:

Please Contact:

Mr. Akowonjo Jones
Senior Manager: Remittance/Currency Control Unit,
For: Skye Bank Plc,

We are very sorry for the delay on proceed please accept our apologies.

Yours Faithfully

Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson
Secretary to: Foreign Operations
For: Skye Bank Plc

Here is the IP trace information:

Header Analysis Quick Report
Originating IP:
Originating ISP: VietNam Post and Telecom Corporation
City: Ho Chi Minh City
Country of Origin: Vietnam

Here are the email addresses associated with this fraud: and

This is a fraud. Do not send money to these people.

6 thoughts on “Skye Bank PLC email scam

  1. john h.

    I received this email today:

    Dear: Beneficiary

    This is to officially inform you that(ATM VISA Card Number; 4192 2821 0022)
    has been accredited on your favor.Your Personal Identification
    Number will be given to you by skye bank plc.
    The ATM VISA Card Value is $2.5 MILLION USD. Please get
    back with the skype bank ATM department with the following details
    below for the Card to be delivered to you :

    Executive,Committee On ATM-CARD Payment.
    Name : C. A. Boakai

    Full Name:*
    Delivery Address:*
    Phone Number:*

    Please all mail must be forwarded to the atm account section Email:
    Email sent to me will not be answered due to my tight schedule


    Mrs. Jessica Phelt
    Regional Officer.

  2. D.Duncan

    Hey, I just got one of these emails today and did some googlin’ and found out it was BULL$H¡!!!!!!…….DONT SEND NO MONEY PEOPLE.

  3. tennyson aurelien

    Dear or madam

    since 2013 to 2014 dr tony eme mail me tell me i have are ATM CARD in skye bank plc.i wood like to no if i have any ATM CARD IN SKYE BANK PLC.I WOOD LIKE TO NO IF DR Tony eme working in sky bank blc.please reply to me as soon i send any money for him,he ask me $625 for the shipmeant

    yours faithfully
    tennyson aurelien
    contact# 1758-716-7804

  4. Editor Post author

    No Tennyson, do not send any money to these people. This is a scam.

  5. tennyson aurelien

    Dear sir or madam

    i wood like to no if mr oudm emmanuel working in zenith bank plc.he mail me cancening $ 10.5 million daller i have in zenith bank plc he ask me 1,100 us daller for the shipmant to fedex expess.the shipment is one ATM CARD.I WOOD like to no if mr odum emmanuel work in zenith bank ply.hes number is 2348022132112 and his email need help from this please investgate the mater

    thank you

  6. Agnes valarao

    How do I get these guys to stop emailing me!?!

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