Tag Archives: BBC bias

A Tory BBC? Everyone I Met There in 25 Years Was Flaming Red

It’s often said that when someone emerges into the world from university and likes what they see, they will go into the City or into business and they will devote their lives to making money and going to parties and having fun. However, if they leave university and think the world is all broken and full of injustice, they will try to change the system. Which means they will add a rainbow emoji to their Twitter bio and join the BBC.

Of course, in recent weeks we have been told over and over again that this is emphatically not the case.… Click here to continue reading this article

Wheel in the Daleks, Doctor — whatever it takes to exterminate the BBC’s bias

This article first appeared in the Sunday Times

My daughter doesn’t watch Doctor Who any more. Normally this would be one of those wry and sweetly painful moments all parents go through: adolescence has suddenly arrived and gentle juvenilia is being jettisoned.

From now on it will all be sullen glares, generational loathing, pierced eyebrows. Class A drugs and pregnancy followed by gender dysphoria and membership of Momentum.

But we are not quite on that track yet, because my daughter continues to watch past series of Doctor Who — in fact, she watches them when the current series is on.… Click here to continue reading this article

BBC pressure leads Paxman to bin article criticising EU

This article first appeared in the Sunday Times

BBC pressure leads Paxman to bin article criticising EU

It is not easy to muzzle a journalistic pitbull, but Jeremy Paxman has withdrawn an article critical of the European Union from a forthcoming issue of Radio Times after coming under pressure from the BBC.

The article was commissioned by the magazine to coincide with Paxman in Brussels, a BBC1 documentary about the EU presented by Paxman and due for transmission on May 19.

Typically pugnacious, Paxman expressed doubts about the EU, its bureaucracy and, in particular, the loss of Britain’s sovereignty.… Click here to continue reading this article