Tag Archives: David Cameron

Russian Diplomats Being Quietly Expelled from the UK.

The UK government appears to be quietly in the process of removing Russian diplomats from the UK.

The method they are using to do this is by not renewing or issuing new visas to staff at the Russian embassies in London and Edinburgh.

Diplomatic staff, under international law, are able to bypass the normal visa process, and should be issued with automatic visas without delay or hassle. This is how it works all over the world.

The press secretary in the Russian Embassy in London today decided to go public with the dirty tricks campaign by the UK government.… Click here to continue reading this article

GE2015 Analysis. Post General Election Comment.

David Cameron is once again Prime Minister.

It was pretty much a given he would remain PM, but the expectation was that he would be propped up by Lib Dem, UKIP and/or the DUP in another coalition of some kind.

But the prospect of Labour propped up by the Scottish Nationals scared voters that the UK would be run with a Socialist/Leftist Scotland-centric coalition that would be hard to break; one of whom wanted to break up the UK (Sturgeon).

The voters came out and the Tories even gained back votes from UKIP.… Click here to continue reading this article