Landsbanki Guernsey Fiasco Ends after 8 Years. Depositors LOSE 8% in Unsafe “Haven”.
The Landsbanki Guernsey fiasco has been covered here before.
We covered it in these articles:
Landsbanki Guernsey Crisis – UK Government cover up and pressure to close protest websites.
Landsbanki Guernsey Depositors
Guernsey Commissioner’s Meeting 19th Jan 2011 about failed Landsbanki Islands Icelandic Bank
Landsbanki Guernsey Depositors To Get Another 17.5% Of Their Money Back
The short version is that Landsbanki Guernsey collapsed in 2008. Now we are in 2016, the official liquidation is finally concluded and the depositors have lost 8% plus 8 years compound interest.
Guernsey had ZERO depositor protection.… Click here to continue reading this article