Tag Archives: EU

UK Petition: Lift EU/US sanctions on Russia to increase trade now the UK is leaving the EU

As we all know, the UK has chosen to exit the EU.

We call this bid for freedom BREXIT.

This means once again we can become an independent country making our own decisions.

The UK has sanctions on Russia.

Russia has reciprocal trade sanctions on the UK.

This means much trade is blocked between Russia and the UK.


Because the warmongering USA has the EU as its bitch. The US says “jump” and the EU says “how high?”

The US has almost no trade with Russia. So it doesn’t hurt the US.… Click here to continue reading this article

The Reality About Estonia

I have been visiting Estonia for many years. Since the late 90’s.

I have a house there and (now) a Russian-speaking wife.

I think I have a unique perspective that locals  don’t have.

A bloke recently asked me:

What did you like/prefer then? (in pre-EU Estonia) Apart from being one of few foreigners in the country at the time.

Here is my reply:

There were always more foreigners around than you might think, but still relatively few.

I first went in 98 in pre-EU days, and went quite often with bits of business and later with dating.… Click here to continue reading this article

Musing on the EU, the UK and Syrian “Refugees”.

I totally understand the situation faced by the innocent in Syria and its appalling.

Some of the footage caught on camera is truly heartbreaking and something positive needs to been done by the world community to stop the suffering.

That said, opening the back door to the EU and illegally allowing millions of unregulated economic migrants along with some refugees flood in, is simply scandalous.

It’s not the answer and for all the bleeding heart liberals out there demonising anyone who opposes this tidal wave of illegal immigration, they need to see the fruits of their ridiculous tree hugging ideology.… Click here to continue reading this article

GE2015 Analysis. Post General Election Comment.

David Cameron is once again Prime Minister.

It was pretty much a given he would remain PM, but the expectation was that he would be propped up by Lib Dem, UKIP and/or the DUP in another coalition of some kind.

But the prospect of Labour propped up by the Scottish Nationals scared voters that the UK would be run with a Socialist/Leftist Scotland-centric coalition that would be hard to break; one of whom wanted to break up the UK (Sturgeon).

The voters came out and the Tories even gained back votes from UKIP.… Click here to continue reading this article

Russia’s Cunning Plan on Sanctions, Europe and the US.

The Russian President Vladimir Putin has implemented a cunning plan in relation to Europe and their sanctions on Russia.

I call it “Right back at ya – watch this!”

“Russia is finished! Sanctions from Obama and the European Union will finish the Russian economy and now it will become the poorest country in the world! Russia can not do anything to answer the West! They will all die”

So love to scream those in the west who do not know about Putin’s cunning plan and underestimate Russia.

Europeans believed that Russia does not respond to sanctions; but Russia has.… Click here to continue reading this article

American “Democracy”, Russia, Ukraine and the EU.

I read an article today I thought so excellent I wanted to republish it here.

Written by a gentleman by the name of Timothy V. Gatto on a website called MWC News – Media with Conscience.

I hope MWC agree to us republishing it here with a citation and a backlink to source.

We very seldom publish the work of other people here unless we think it particularly incisive and noteworthy.

Another Successful American Propaganda Effort

American political figures like to talk about “American Democracy”. The truth is there is no “American Democracy”; it is something that our rulers like to foist upon the World stage much like parents like to tell their children about Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny.… Click here to continue reading this article