Tag Archives: novarossiya

UK Petition: Lift EU/US sanctions on Russia to increase trade now the UK is leaving the EU

As we all know, the UK has chosen to exit the EU.

We call this bid for freedom BREXIT.

This means once again we can become an independent country making our own decisions.

The UK has sanctions on Russia.

Russia has reciprocal trade sanctions on the UK.

This means much trade is blocked between Russia and the UK.


Because the warmongering USA has the EU as its bitch. The US says “jump” and the EU says “how high?”

The US has almost no trade with Russia. So it doesn’t hurt the US.… Click here to continue reading this article

A new Swiss humanitarian convoy for the city of Donetsk

This article first appeared in French on the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation website.

On 22 May 2016, two humanitarian convoys Confederation carrying chemicals for treating water and medical supplies left for Ukraine in the conflict zone.

Part of the convoy with medical equipment and medicine was awarded to the Kurakhove hospital this morning.

The products have been transported by road but also, for the first time by rail .

Sunday morning, a train ferrying chemicals for water treatment left Switzerland to Donetsk, in eastern Ukraine.

The cargo is for waterworks of Donbass, which supply the population with drinking water on both sides of the line of contact.… Click here to continue reading this article

War Returns to Ukraine

This article first appeared on Russia Insider

Whilst all eyes are on Syria there has been a steady deterioration of the situation in Ukraine.

In violation of the ceasefire shelling of the territories of the two people’s republics has resumed, and the OSCE has confirmed that the Ukrainian military has moved heavy weapons back to the contact line.

The Ukrainians meanwhile have extended their ban of commercial flights to and from Russia by banning also transit flights.

Ukraine has placed Crimea under food blockade. To the intense embarrassment of its Western backers (see this editorial in the Financial Times, headlined “Kiev should act to end the blockade of Crimea”) it has enlarged this to an energy blockade.… Click here to continue reading this article

Russian Ukrainian Adventures Forum Newsletter – Summer 2015

Russian Ukrainian Adventures Forum Newsletter – Summer 2015.


It has been over a year since we sent out a newsletter, so we thought one was long overdue.

We would like to bring you up-to-date on the changes at RUA the last year.

The Forum Has Changed Direction a Little to Include More Travel, Culture, News and Politics.

The site was stuck in what is a dying and declining niche. When the site first started back in the mid naughties, it was firmly aimed at what some termed the “mail-order bride” niche.… Click here to continue reading this article

What Next After the Neocon Rape of Ukraine?

Since its divestment from the Soviet Union, Ukraine has been something of a schizophrenic nation with conflicting allegiances in the West and East of the country. In recent years, a neocon agenda has stoked up this internal strife to incendiary levels.

The people in the East speak Russian and incline towards Russia, while those in western Ukraine march to a different drum: they speak Ukrainian and foster fond hopes of becoming real Europeans. In Crimea, the majority converse in Russian and their hearts have always beaten patriotically for the motherland. Crimea, after all, was part of Russia from 1784 until 1954, at which juncture Nikita Khrushchev, a native of Ukraine incidentally, made what some consider a major blunder: the Soviet leader gift-wrapped the peninsula and handed it over to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.

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Russian “Threat” Proves American Ignorance, Arrogance and Hypocrisy

A recent story headlined on CNN.com asked the question, “Why is Russia sending bombers close to U.S. airspace?”, after several Russian military aircraft flew near U.S. airspace along the coasts of Alaska and California. Perhaps a better question would be why has Russia waited so long to do so?

The story includes a smattering of ominous, juvenile-level rhetoric from Rep. Adam Kinzinger, Republican Congressman from Illinois, who describes what Russia is doing as an “act of aggression.” He compares Vladimir Putin to a diminutive school bully who acts overly tough, no doubt an allusion to Russia’s reduced influence in world affairs since the end of the Cold War.… Click here to continue reading this article

Poroshenko Is Wondering When He WIll Be Deposed by Coup.

They say that what goes around comes around.

It seems a while ago now that President Yanukovych of Ukraine was ousted in an illegal US and EU led coup d’etat and the softly-spoken Poroshenko installed in his place as American puppet.

Readers can be forgiven for not understanding that what happened in Ukraine as a coup d’etat, as it is hard to get to the facts sometimes above the constant – yet incorrect – western media propaganda drone of Russian Aggression we hear daily.

The United States and the ever-pliant EU have been earnestly telling us that Mr Yanukovych’s removal was alright really as he was a not nice bloke who was more concerned in filling his pockets than helping Ukraine prosper.… Click here to continue reading this article

NATO is using Ukraine crisis to advance towards Russian borders

NATO is using the situation in Ukraine to push closer to Russia’s border, according to the Russian deputy defense minister. He says the Alliance’s activities have expanded considerably over the past years.

In their push, Anatoly Antonov says Allied forces are ignoring diplomacy.

“We’ve noticed that NATO member states are using the situation in southeastern Ukraine as a pretext to discard all diplomatic conventions, tricks and slogans and push forward, closer to the Russian border.”

According to the minister, what NATO is doing is completely out of proportion with what NATO commanders call the build-up of Russian forces on its side of the border in Ukraine.… Click here to continue reading this article

The Cabinet of Ukraine plans to nationalize bank deposits of Ukrainians

The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine intends to take a decision allowing wartime involvement in the country’s budget, bank deposits of citizens of more than 200 thousand. UAH ($8000 US).

It is reported by Ukrainian edition ZN.UA citing its own sources.

The Ministry of Finance has prepared a draft law “On the financial system of Ukraine in the special period”, one of the points which concerns bank deposits of citizens and organizations.

“In the event of martial law and imposing a moratorium on the payment of bank deposits from customers who are on deposit (deposit) accounts with banks.… Click here to continue reading this article

American “Democracy”, Russia, Ukraine and the EU.

I read an article today I thought so excellent I wanted to republish it here.

Written by a gentleman by the name of Timothy V. Gatto on a website called MWC News – Media with Conscience.

I hope MWC agree to us republishing it here with a citation and a backlink to source.

We very seldom publish the work of other people here unless we think it particularly incisive and noteworthy.

Another Successful American Propaganda Effort

American political figures like to talk about “American Democracy”. The truth is there is no “American Democracy”; it is something that our rulers like to foist upon the World stage much like parents like to tell their children about Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny.… Click here to continue reading this article