Tag Archives: Ukrainian Brides

Russian Ukrainian Adventures Newsletter – Summer 2014.

Russian Ukrainian Adventures Newsletter – Summer 2014.

Hello Member,

It has been a while since we sent out a newsletter, several years in fact. So we thought one was long overdue.

We would like to bring you up-to-date on the happenings at RUA in recent months.

The Forum Continues To Go From Strength to Strength!

The forum has been rather busy in recent months. We remain not only the busiest Russian women information discussion forum on the net by far, but we are also now the largest by a sizeable margin, and have been for some time.… Click here to continue reading this article

Reviewing Anastasia Date

Reviewing Anastasia Date -Two models for agency financial success:

Various different forum threads have reported the recruitment of ‘Translators’ and ‘Interpreters’ into the agencies that feed Anastasia Date.

There are both agency descriptions (of how to recruit TERPS) in the home site and there are advertisements that were previously reported here and on various online forums.

This recruitment for paid ‘translators’ is indicative of a model for having women appear on camera or on chat to deceive the men users into thinking that they are chatting with someone who wants to find a husband.… Click here to continue reading this article

What nationality of men do Russian and Ukrainian women prefer?

Many men from across the world seek a Russian speaking wife. That might be a woman from Ukraine, Russia or more recently Kazakhstan or Belarus.

But are you the kind of guy a Russian speaking woman wants? Check out the light hearted list below.

I have noticed specific trends of opinion with Russian speaking women about foreign guys and their locations.

American men: They either love the idea of them (and the USA) or hate it. There doesn’t seem to be a middle ground. Some women love the thought of an American guy and living in the US; some think them stupid, with no history, culture or social skills.… Click here to continue reading this article

The Importance of Good English When Communicating with Foreign Women

Whilst some foreign women are open to the idea of foreign guys, the language issue is a major hurdle to overcome. Many Russian and Ukrainian women surf the internet seeking foreign guys on forums and such in search of them.
However, the thought of a group of foreign guys discussing them en masse is a bit of a turn off for many. Many think some of the conversations are not entirely tasteful or respectful. At least, that’s the feedback I have had.

People on internet forums speak casually, with many errors and with much slang, it is not an ideal place to practice or develop English.

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Should You Avoid Ukrainian Women from Odessa and Kiev?

So you are seeking a woman from the former Soviet Union? Likely Russia or Ukraine. Ukraine has no visa requirements, so is easier right? In Ukraine, all the pretty girls seem to be from Odessa and Kiev. Why is that?

I think this is one of those topics that is ignored, or the meat hidden away on page 10 of other unrelated forum topics across the net. Call it the elephant in the room if you like………

I was talking to a guy on the telephone today, who as may seem to do, was fixated on the idea of travelling to Odessa and/or Kiev to meet a multitude of women – none of which he even had a number for, all of whom claimed to be seeking improbable age gaps – you get the idea.  … Click here to continue reading this article

From Russia Without Love: How thousands of lonely British men are being ruthlessly fleeced by a Russian ‘e-mail brides’ racket

“From Russia Without Love: How thousands of lonely British men are being ruthlessly fleeced by a Russian ‘e-mail brides’ racket” was an article recently featured in the UK Daily Mail.

It was penned by PAUL BRACCHI and HELEN CROYDON. Well, we don’t know who “Helen Croydon” is, but we can bet she is an English feminist hack who is a tad overweight and is jealous of Russian and former Soviet Union women.

We also don’t know who “Paul Bracchi” is but with that surname he isn’t English, so how can he write from an English perspective?… Click here to continue reading this article