Truth be told, at your age, assuming 40’s or above, you are NOT the same as you were at 25.
These drugs are not aphrodisiacs, although, for many men, the revitalization that they can bring can act in much the same way, with the right woman and/or circumstances.
Some men respond better to one drug than another but they all work in much the same way. If you tried Cialis but felt only a hot flush then try Viagra.
Before you buy any of these drugs get yourself a checkup and ask your quack if he is willing to prescribe them for you, if he says ‘no’ then there is a reason and take heed. If yes then you can feel safe buying. At first ONLY buy the real thing from the real manufacturer from a real pharmacy. When you have sussed out how well the stuff works for you, what dosage is most effective and what the side effects are in your case (they do exist, you will have them and they do vary!) then you can feel safe to venture into the very dirty barrel that is the male enhancement online pharmacy business. (Or you can hang on a while and buy when you go to a country where they are available OTC in both ‘generic’ and original form.)
In quantity Viagra (sildenafil citrate) will cost no more than about $1 per 100mg tab. Most men do not need this high dose and either bite or cut a dose off each tablet making the real cost per use negligible.
Viagra takes about 40 minutes to one hour to reach effectiveness, if you get a hot flush then the drug is having its wicked way with your wicked member and you are ready to root. Some guys have realized that the area under the tongue is a really effective way to get the stuff into the blood stream very fast and so they take a very small dose under the tongue and let it dissolve. Effects come in in just a few minutes no matter what you have been eating or drinking but the stuff tastes foul so only use when you have mouthwash or a toothbrush to hand (or a strong belt of scotch!)
One point: Cialis has been advertised as the ‘weekend enhancer’ with claims that it lasts for up to 48 hours. Well, so does Viagra, but it depends upon your dose level. Viagra has a half life of about 4 hours, so if you take 25mg then after 4 hours the drug is about half effective, but if you only need 12 mg to get moving then the half life for you becomes effectively 8 hours and so if you take 50mg you have a dose that will last you a good long time. It is almost impossible, as I recall, to overdose.
Some women LOVE to take these drugs, for some it makes no difference and some women hate them. For women, arousal is VERY closely connected to the engorgement of the region around the clitoris. If a woman gets an engorged genital region she WILL be horny almost despite herself, also sensitivity in the region is greatly increased. If you find a woman who likes using Viagra you may feel very lucky, but you will need the stuff to keep up with her. Some women hate the sensation, loss of self control and additional sensitivity, don’t force the issue. If they do not notice the effect, or claim to not do so, again, don’t force the issue, you will piss her off very fast!
As there are so many sharks out there selling impure or poorly made product if you find a source that is reliable stick with it. Sensible fellows prefer to source a proper pharmacy when possible. My friend got his last big cache from Argentina from a trip there, and before that from Egypt. Mail order is difficult to some countries, some countries customs have taken to checking ALL parcels with a view to extracting tax, so I think there are some postmen with permanent wood in some places right now.
When buying from ‘generic’ sources, and there are many places that one can buy OTC and perfectly legally; I have given three such regions above, do a taste test, Viagra will have a strong, bitter taste, kinda acidic/lemony, very distinctive. If you don’t get that taste then it is not genuine and there will be little or no active ingredient. If buying from a place that sells generic AND what is claimed to be genuine Viagra/Cialis etc at a higher, but still relatively cheap price then ONLY buy the generic. If people are selling counterfeit Viagra then they have no reason to bother making the content genuine. With the generics, they ONLY sell based upon their effectiveness.
ALWAYS, ALWAYS get a checkup before using these drugs, they can KILL!
If you have a genuine impotency problem then this is likely a symptom of an underlying much more serious ailment such as diabetes or impaired circulation so treat impotence seriously. Before taking up Vitamin V for recreation I got a checkup, if I start to need it to do much more than counteract brewer’s droop then I will be off to the quack again. I hope this helps!
Please note: Usual caveats apply about relying on information published. This is not medical advice; it is just one guy’s opinion. Always ask your doctor before taking these drugs.
I am actually 54. I look a good bit younger but I know any day I may hit a wall and begin to age sort of in spurts. I put an avatar pic which is 2 yrs ago in NY. After I hit 50 and realized how bad getting old is gonna suck I began going to a longevity clinic once a year for massive tests after which they give you supplements to adjust whatever findings may turn up. I have had long discussions about these various things with many doctors ….some who are friends and hang out and drink beer by the pool with me and others who are doctors I have used.
I happen to have unusual genetics and am in good physical condition. I had my blood work done just last week and the Dr was again surprised that it looks like a 30 yr old persons blood. But that is just me and I don’t know how much happens to be luck, genetics or how much the other things I do actually work or how long that will last.
What I am saying is be careful. The safest most effective route is to get a complete blood panel and then take it from there. If you end up going the viagra/cialis route get it from a doctor. Most of that is coming out of China and is full of heavy metals which can do all kinds of bad things to you over the long run….mess up your nervous system and screw up your estrogen. When you screw with your estrogen it throws everything in your endocrine system off. The endocrine system is like an orchestra…and everything has to work together and everything balances….if one thing gets out of whack it throws other things off.
Testosterone drops drastically after 30. When you are 50 they look at a chart and see if your numbers match what they consider to be normal for a 50 yr olds…….eff that. Boost your testosterone to a 30 or 40 yr olds level. It is a simple cream you rub on your arm or leg every day. I haven’t needed it yet but I know people older than I that do use it and it works. HRT (hormone replacement therapy) is just now being used by doctors and many know nothing about it. I know 60 and 70 year old guys using testosterone cream who suddenly started having morning erections again after losing them so it does work for some people.
I sound like I think I’m an expert and I am far from it. I do know the wise route is to get bloodwork first and take it from there. If you seek out a knowledgeable Dr who will give you testosterone for a while to try it out there is no reason not to. I take an HGH injection every day. It is used all over Hollywood by actors who want to stave off old age. HGH is another natural hormone that begins dropping drastically after 30. It is very expensive and not for everyone. It was actually HGH that Sly Stallone got busted for in australia a year or two ago…..the press widely reported it as steroids but it was HGH.
So…I’ll shut up now….be careful of anything from China. Almost everything coming out of there from food to vitamin supplements is testing high for heavy metals. I have seen the lab reports on many things coming out of China and they all had heavy metals…even vials of various drugs produced in labs. It is now showing up here in things because companies buy ingredients for their products in various places. So now you buy a vitamin or some type of supplement and one of the ingredients may have come from China.
Ok Enough….there can be many reasons for ED and I only know about 25 of them and there are many more. It would be a drag and I sympathize with anyone that has the problem and pray I never do.
I’ll add one last thing….I took some testosterone for a month (once a week injection) and was amazed at the rock hard intensity of my morning erections. So it does have that effect. I don’t take it because I still have normal erections that work fine for me……but it was an educational experience.
I kinda put chasing chicks right up there with breathing